Metabolite screening
Non-targeted screening
We use a comprehensive non-targeted profiling technique for the analysis of biological samples. Relative abundance measurements of analytes are used to perform differential analysis across samples/sample classes using fold change, statistics and/or visualisation analysis. This type of non-targeted approach provides insight into metabolite changes, perturbed metabolite pathways and/or chemical markers.Services available
- Profiling for differential metabolites
- Chemical markers
- Volatile (aroma) profile
- Non-volatile aroma profile
- polar metabolites, and/or
- mid-polarity metabolites.
Deliverables resulting from services carried out include:
- Bioinformatics for data extraction/processing
- Sample data matrix of retention time. vs. relative abundance
- Raw data files from the entire batch (if required)
- Identification of metabolite based on RT/MS data from standards (AWRI in–house library)
- Descriptive statistics (average response, %CV)
- Multivariate analysis (if applicable).