Open Access Technology
A high resolution mass spectrometry solution that combines MS/MS sensitivity, orthogonal electron activated dissociation technology and a step change in SWATH DIA.
This analytical platform allows for the characterisation of large molecules, elucidation of positional isomers on small molecules and lipids and identification and quantification of proteins and peptides at unparalleled speed as well as gain significant sensitivity and discover less abundant ions.
Thermo Scientific Orbitrap ID-X Tribrid LCMS
The Thermo Scientific Orbitrap ID-X Tribrid mass spectrometer is designed to reveal complex chemical structures for compound identification and structure elucidation of small molecules. The system combines industry-leading mass analyser technology with intelligent automation to address the complexities of small-molecule identification and characterisation.Bruker 400 MHz NMR – Food Screener
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) provides a characteristic peak for each compound in a mixture. The Bruker Food Screener is capable of simultaneous identification and complete quantification of compounds with minimum sample preparation at a reduced cost per sample. It is a dependable screening technique for targeted and non-targeted multi-marker analyses.Shimadzu TQ 8050 NX GC-QQQ
GCMS-TQ8050 NX can perform unprecedented quantitative analyses of ultra-trace amounts. With GC/MS MRM mode, many registered metabolites can be targeted simultaneously including organic acids, fatty acids, amino acids and sugars.
Compounds are accurately identified using mass spectral matching to a registered database of mass spectra obtained from pure reference compounds and their retention index.
SCIEX 4500 Triple Quad System
The SCIEX 4500 Triple Quad LC-MS/MS is the instrument of choice for the quantitation of small molecules in a range of biological matrices. Thanks to its sensitivity, analytes can be detected down to ppb levels.
Analytes routinely measured using this instrument include free amino acids, biogenic amines, short chain fatty acids, and hormones.
Agilent 5975C Series GC/MSD
The Agilent 5975C single quadrupole is the preferred choice for routine analyses of a wide range of volatile compounds when a quick turnaround time is needed.